Pop-up days

Pop-up days to raise awareness and increase adoption

Building awareness is a critical first step in any change management program. That’s why we’ll often start your Office 365 change management journey with our tailored pop-up days. Featuring Office 365 demonstrations, training sessions and environments for team members to experiment, our pop-up days provide a great platform to introduce Office 365 to your team.

See what Office 365 can do

A key element of the pop-up days are Office 365 demonstrations to build awareness among your team about the functionality of the platform and the new ways of working it can enable for them.
By creating an environment where team members can see the technology in action, ask questions and use the platform themselves, we help to increase awareness among your team about why this change is coming and how it will help them in their day-to-day roles.

Tailored to your business

A key element to the success of the GreenDot pop-up days for Office 365 is that they are tailored to your business. We’ll create branded materials to reflect the existing look and feel of your business and systems, so that employees feel less threatened by the coming change. We also find out in advance what some of the core pain points are in your business and demonstrate the specific ways in which Office 365 can help to overcome these difficulties.

Ready to book an Office 365 pop-up day?

We’re ready to organise an Office 365 demonstration day that effectively shows off the potential of Office 365 to your team. To find out more about how GreenDot Consulting can help you with your Office 365 change management journey, call us today on 1300 80 11 88.

Our Clients

We work with large organisation to deliver value from their technology investments.
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