Is your culture ready for technology-driven change?

Don’t let your company get left behind

Do you know the three factors that are common to the fastest-moving companies? They are product and service innovation, adoption of new technology, and business process change.

This means there is an opportunity for technology-driven change, especially in adopting new technologies and as a result re-engineering business processes, to have a significant impact on transforming your business and its culture. A fast-paced, collaborative business culture is increasingly becoming critical for success in the 21st century: as the IT department, you can help accelerate this change.

Get IT into strategy

Research commissioned by Dell found that companies that involve their CIO in setting business strategy outperform their peers by a 2 to 1 margin.

With technology moving faster and ever faster, businesses that are able to take advantage of the latest tools can get the edge. It’s up to CIOs and IT departments to be able to identify the technologies that will map to the business’s strategy and accelerate results – and to identify ways that technology can reshape and transform the business’s strategy to find new pathways to success.

IT as a hub of innovation

We’ve seen rapid changes in recent years with new business models being enabled by technology. Decentralised businesses that wouldn’t have been possible just a few years ago are now some of the biggest success stories. And what’s behind these shifts? Technology.

A decade or so ago, your role in the IT department was to install and analyse systems. It was to keep the business running. That’s no longer enough. You now need to be involved in setting the business’s strategic direction and help develop new and better ways to engage with customers and stakeholders.

Technology + leadership = innovation and transformation

When you bring together the right technology, based on an understanding of its strategic goals, and effectively manage the process and culture changes that are necessary to achieve the desired results, you can create innovative business models, processes, products and services. When as the IT department you understand that it’s not about the technology, but what the technology can do, you can become a key driver of your organisation’s success.

Do you need help communicating how technology can help transform your organisation?

You know that upgrading technology is necessary for your organisation. GreenDot will help you to communicate to your executive team HOW transforming technology will help to achieve business goals. With our experience working with some of Australia’s largest organisations, we’ve developed a proven methodology to help streamline technology adoption and achieve real results. To find out how we can help you, call us today on 1300 80 11 88.

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